
The 17th SGA Biennial Meeting 2023 will adopt a wide-angle-lens view all along the value chain of mineral resources. We want this meeting to showcase our awareness as a scientific society for the pressing global challenges while we are now almost 25 years into this 21st century:

Mineral Resources in a Changing World

Our scientific program will feature a set of exciting technical sessions including (in person) oral and poster presentations, five topical plenary talks, and pre- and post-conference field trips and workshops. The emphasis will be put on the study of mineral deposits, new exploration challenges and methods, sustainable development and environmental and social aspects related to mineral deposits

Session Themes

  1. Magmatic-hydrothermal ore-forming systems
  2. VMS and seafloor mineralizations 
  3. Gold: a journey from sources to precipitation sites and processes 
  4. Ore-forming processes in sedimentary rocks and the surface environment 
  5. Critical minerals for the future economy and reaching carbon neutrality
  6. Orthomagmatic ore deposits 
  7. New developments in analytical, exploration and mineral processing methods

Final programme

The final conference proceeding volumes are available to download below

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3